Default Included Parsers

String Parser

string The default parser. Doesn't really parse, just passes through the string response with no modification. Returns: string

This is an example input message.
This is an example input message.

String Extractor Parser

stringExtract USe this parser to ensure the response is one of many specific strings you define. This parser doe not return the LLM's actual response, but works through the enum you provide and looks for a match. When it finds one, it returns the enum value, ensuring the response is exactly as expected.

Returns: string

Example Prompt:
You need to reply with one of three options. Either stop, go forward, turn left, turn right.

const parser = createParser("stringExtract", { 
    enum: [
        "go forward",
        "turn left",
        "turn right"
go forward
Go Forward.

List to Array

listToArray Converts a list (separated by \n) to an array of strings. Returns: string[]

Example Prompt:
You need to reply with a list of test cases that should be written for the code I included below. You must reply in an unordered list.

const parser = createParser("listToArray")
 "Should return the default name if the function argument is null or undefined",
 "Should return function's name if function has a name property",
 "Should return the correct name if function is bound to an object",
 "Should return the correct name if function is anonymous",
 "Should return the correct name if the function's source has additional space",
 "Should return empty string if function has no applicable name.",
- Should return the default name if the function argument is null or undefined
- Should return function's name if function has a name property
- Should return the correct name if function is bound to an object
- Should return the correct name if function is anonymous
- Should return the correct name if the function's source has additional space 
- Should return empty string if function has no applicable name.

List to Key/Value[]

listToKeyValue Converts a Returns Array<{ key: string; value: string; }>

    "key": "Getting Started",
    "value": "To get started, we need to..."
    "key": "Setting Up Your Account",
    "value": "To set up your account, you need to..."
Getting Started: To get started, we need to...
Setting Up Your Account: To set up your account, you need to...

Markdown Code Block

markdownCodeBlock Returns { code: string; language: string; }

    "code": "function add(a: number, b: number){\nreturn a + b;\n}",
    "language": "typescript"
Below is the generated code:

function add(a: number, b: number){
    return a + b;

Markdown Code Blocks

markdownCodeBlocks Returns Array<{ code: string; language: string; }>

    "code": "function add(a: number, b: number){\nreturn a + b;\n}",
    "language": "typescript"
    "code": "function subtract(a: number, b: number){\nreturn a - b;\n}",
    "language": "typescript"
Below is the generated code:

function add(a: number, b: number){
    return a + b;

And the next:

function subtract(a: number, b: number){
    return a - b;

Replace String Template

replaceTemplateString Uses handlebars to parse the output. Returns string.

List to JSON

listToJson Converts a list of key: value pairs (separated by \n) to an object.

Example Prompt:
You need to extract the following information. Reply only with: Color: the color\nName: the name\nType: the type

const parser = createParser("listToJson")
    "color": "red",
    "name": "apple"
    "type": "fruit"
Color: Red
Name: Apple
Type: Fruit


json Parse an expected stringified json object or array into a valid object. Schema can be passed in to enforce schema and provide default values.

    "name": "Greg",
    "age": "89"
{ "name": "Greg", "age": "89" }


{ \"name\": \"Greg\", \"age\": \"89\" }
Last Updated:
Contributors: Greg Reindel