
In this example, we will create a function that is able to tell the intent of the user's most recent message in the conversation.

This can be useful as:

  • First step in a pipeline to filter options

This takes advantage of a custom output parser to not only ensure formatting, but slightly transform the output.

Step 1 - Prepare Types & Intents

export const intents = {
  book_hotel: {
    description: "when the user is asking about to booking a hotel",
  book_flight: { description: "when the user is looking to book a flight" },
  rent_car: { description: "when the user is looking to rent a car" },
  unknown: {
    description: "Use this if the intent doesn't match any other options.",

export interface IdentifyIntentInput {
  input: string;
  intents: {
    [key in keyof typeof intents]: {
      description: string;
  chatHistory: IChatMessages;

export interface IdentifyIntentOutput {
  intent: keyof typeof intents;
  intents: {
    confidence: number;
    intent: keyof typeof intents;

Step 2 - Prepare Prompt

export const PROMPT = `You are a classifier, not an assistant. You need to identify the intent of the current state of the conversation.

Read through each intent option, step by step.
For each intent option, first evaluate whether or not you think the intent matches the most recent state of the conversation.
Then, rate each intent with a confidence score between 1 and 100 representing how sure you are.

Work step by step through each possible intent to accurately identify the best match for the current state of the conversation.

Do not explain yourself and do not ask questions.

{{#if intents}}
# Intent Options
{{#each intents as | intent |}}
**{{@key}}**: {{intent.description}}

# Confidence Score Options
- A score ranging from 0 - 100 depending on how sure you are.

# Rules
1. Your response must be valid JSON.
2. Your response must contain the top unique intents based on your confidence.
3. Your response should not contain duplicate intents.
4. intent and confidence are required properties for each intent.

# Example Format
{ intent: "", confidence: "" }

You must follow the rules, and respond with valid JSON like the example.`;

export const INSTRUCTION = `Based on the current state of the conversation, respond with the top intent as valid JSON:`;

const prompt = (_values: IdentifyIntentInput) =>
    .createPrompt<IdentifyIntentInput>("chat", PROMPT)

Step 3 - Create Custom Output Parser

While we tell the LLM to format its response as JSON, it's a string. We still need to parse and validate the response so it can be used in our code. A custom output parser will reformat the output from the LLM, and provide typings for our LLM executor.

export const parser = createCustomParser<IdentifyIntentOutput>(
    context: ExecutorContext<IdentifyIntentInput, IdentifyIntentOutput>
  ) => {
    const { intents: inputIntents } = context.input;
    const cleanResponse = input.trim();
    const regex = /{[\s\S]+?}/g;
    const jsonStrArray = cleanResponse.match(regex);

    if (jsonStrArray && Array.isArray(jsonStrArray)) {
      const jsonObjArray = string) =>

      const intents = jsonObjArray
        .map((a) => maybeParseJSON(a))
          (a: any) =>
            a.confidence &&
            a.intent &&
              .map((a) => snakeCase(a))
        .map((v) => ({
          confidence: toNumber(v?.confidence || 0),
          intent: snakeCase(v.intent) as IdentifyIntentOutput["intent"],
        .sort((a, b) => toNumber(b.confidence) - toNumber(a.confidence));

      const [intent] = intents;
      if (intent) {
        return { intent: intent.intent, intents };
      } else {
        return { intent: "unknown", intents };
    return { intent: "unknown", intents: [] };

Step 4 - Create LLM Executor

Combine the prompt, LLM, and parser into a single function.

export async function identifyIntent(llm: BaseLlm, input: IdentifyIntentInput) {
  return llmExe.createLlmExecutor({
      name: "identify-intent",

Step 4 - Use it!

import { identifyIntent } from "./somewhere"

// a chat history, loaded from somewhere
const chatHistory = [];

const response = await identifyIntent().execute({
    // the input you get from somewhere
    input: "Hey I'll be in town next week and need a car",

 * console.log(response)
 * {
 *   "intent": "rent_car",
 *   "confidence": 90,
 * }

// the intent is focused on the most recent message
    role: "user",
    content: "Hey I'll be in town next week and need a car"

const response2 = await identifyIntent().execute({
    input: "Actually I need a place to sleep more",

 * console.log(response)
 * {
 *   "intent": "book_hotel",
 *   "confidence": 90,
 * }

Complete File

export const intents = {
  book_hotel: {
    description: "when the user is asking about to booking a hotel",
  book_flight: { description: "when the user is looking to book a flight" },
  rent_car: { description: "when the user is looking to rent a car" },
  unknown: {
    description: "Use this if the intent doesn't match any other options.",

export interface IdentifyIntentInput {
  input: string;
  intents: {
    [key in keyof typeof intents]: {
      description: string;
  chatHistory: IChatMessages;

export interface IdentifyIntentOutput {
  intent: keyof typeof intents;
  intents: {
    confidence: number;
    intent: keyof typeof intents;

export const PROMPT = `You are a classifier, not an assistant. You need to identify the intent of the current state of the conversation.

Read through each intent option, step by step.
For each intent option, first evaluate whether or not you think the intent matches the most recent state of the conversation.
Then, rate each intent with a confidence score between 1 and 100 representing how sure you are.

Work step by step through each possible intent to accurately identify the best match for the current state of the conversation.

Do not explain yourself and do not ask questions.

{{#if intents}}
# Intent Options
{{#each intents as | intent |}}
**{{@key}}**: {{intent.description}}

# Confidence Score Options
- A score ranging from 0 - 100 depending on how sure you are.

# Rules
1. Your response must be valid JSON.
2. Your response must contain the top unique intents based on your confidence.
3. Your response should not contain duplicate intents.
4. intent and confidence are required properties for each intent.

# Example Format
{ intent: "", confidence: "" }

You must follow the rules, and respond with valid JSON like the example.`;

export const INSTRUCTION = `Based on the current state of the conversation, respond with the top intent as valid JSON:`;

const prompt = (_values: IdentifyIntentInput) =>
    .createPrompt<IdentifyIntentInput>("chat", PROMPT)

export const parser = createCustomParser<IdentifyIntentOutput>(
    context: ExecutorContext<IdentifyIntentInput, IdentifyIntentOutput>
  ) => {
    const { intents: inputIntents } = context.input;
    const cleanResponse = input.trim();
    const regex = /{[\s\S]+?}/g;
    const jsonStrArray = cleanResponse.match(regex);

    if (jsonStrArray && Array.isArray(jsonStrArray)) {
      const jsonObjArray = string) =>

      const intents = jsonObjArray
        .map((a) => maybeParseJSON(a))
          (a: any) =>
            a.confidence &&
            a.intent &&
              .map((a) => snakeCase(a))
        .map((v) => ({
          confidence: toNumber(v?.confidence || 0),
          intent: snakeCase(v.intent) as IdentifyIntentOutput["intent"],
        .sort((a, b) => toNumber(b.confidence) - toNumber(a.confidence));

      const [intent] = intents;
      if (intent) {
        return { intent: intent.intent, intents };
      } else {
        return { intent: "unknown", intents };
    return { intent: "unknown", intents: [] };

export async function identifyIntent(llm: BaseLlm, input: IdentifyIntentInput) {
  return llmExe.createLlmExecutor({
      name: "identify-intent",
Last Updated:
Contributors: Greg Reindel